Say ‘I Do’ Without the Debt

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue —a sweet wedding tradition, unless the something borrowed is thousands of dollars to pay for the big day. Money issues are the number one cause of marital conflict, so it doesn’t make sense to start married life with enormous debt. Sometimes a financial rough spot is unavoidable,…

3 Ways to Ditch Your Auto Loan Payment This Winter (and get away with it.)

Have you ever thought to yourself “if I could just not pay on my loan right now things would be much easier!” Well do we have great news for you. Resource One has three great ways to avoid payment this winter without affecting your credit. This offer is part of our limited-time-only auto loan promotion…

R1CU Celebrates 2021 ICU Day

What is ICU Day? ICU Day or International Credit Union Day was brought to us by CUNA and WOCCU to celebrate the credit union movement. It’s about raising awareness for credit unions and looking back on the credit union movement history, achievements, and member experiences for CU’s worldwide. Each year bring a new theme that…